Unbalance is balance
2016. 9. 28. 10:09
2016. 9. 28. 10:09
Unbalance is balance
2016. 8. 16. 21:47
2016. 8. 16. 21:47
- and
- as
- assert
- break
- class
- continue
- def
- del
- elif
- else
- except
- exec
- finally
- for
- from
- global
- if
- import
- in
- is
- lambda
- Not
- or
- pass
- print
- raise
- return
- try
- while
- with
- yield
Unbalance is balance
2016. 8. 16. 21:44
2016. 8. 16. 21:44
- Class names start with an uppercase letter. All other identifiers start with a lowercase letter.
- Starting an identifier with a single leading underscore indicates that the identifier is private.
- Starting an identifier with two leading underscores indicates a strongly private identifier.
- If the identifier also ends with two trailing underscores, the identifier is a language-defined special name.